Posted on October 20, 2021
Hello and welcome! I recently re-did my website with Next.js, Tailwind CSS and Notion and had way too much fun.
As of late, I've been interested in exploring the world of the JAMstack, which is a way of developing websites with JavaScript, API's, and Markup.
My new website is built using the JAMstack, specifically with Next.js, a React based frontend framework.
The "JAMStack" is a new way of building websites and apps that deliver better performance, higher security, lower cost of scaling and better developer experience. - jamstack.org
I'm still fairly new to blogging so bear with me, I plan on documenting and sharing my journey of modern web development, programming, food & life.
Some topics you may find me talking about in the near future include:
- Web Design & Development
- React & Next.js
- Headless CMS
- Taco Reviews (jk... maybe)